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“Why are you looking at me so impatiently? Why do you want to look like this? Don't we know each other now?(怎么那么不耐烦的看着我呀?为什么要这个样子嘛~我们现在不是算认识了吗?【英语】)”卡啦尔看着雪绒,实话还有些委屈,唉~卡啦尔有些不懂。

“You are a butterfly, do you know me? Don't say anything else, OK?(你这个花蝴蝶一样的人,认识了吗?别乱说什么其他好不好?【英语】)”雪绒对于卡啦尔一点的不屑,怎么非要那个样子。

“How does your sister look like this! I know the name. Why not a friend?(你妹妹怎么这个样子啊!都知道名字了,为什么还不是朋友呢?【英语】)”卡啦尔说的有些委屈的,这让胥晨熙都有些无语了。

“Can you be more normal? You feel very strange like this now, and, my sister does not say, I really don't know, you really look like a butterfly!(你能不能正常一些?你现在这个样子的感觉特别的奇怪,还有,我妹不说,我还真不知道,你确实长的像花蝴蝶!【英语】)”胥晨熙的说话,让卡啦尔有些无奈啦,怎么还是欺负他呢?

“Are you bullying me too much?(你们欺负我是不是过分了?【英语】)”卡啦尔有些怨恨的看着他们两个,为什么会这个样子呢?

“Why so much nonsense? Why did you two call me here? Brother, you don't just want me to meet him, are you? It's a little weird!(废话怎么那么多呢?你们两个把我叫过来干嘛?哥,你不会只是为了让我见见他吧?这有点奇奇怪怪的!【英语】)”雪绒翻了一个白眼,怎么回事?叫她来就是这样子吗?

“Almost forget, you two quarrel together, I only pay attention to you two go, really!(差点忘了,你俩在一起一吵一闹的,我都只注意你们两个去了,真是的!【英语】)”听到雪绒这句话,胥晨熙这才想起来他把她俩叫过来干嘛!而且他确实快离开了,到时候还需要卡啦尔来帮忙,还好自己是坐轮椅的,身高什么的没人会知道,没人会去了解的。

“You mean! And blame me! Damn it!(你到是说啊!还怪我身上了!真是的!【英语】)”卡啦尔不满的说到。



“What about you? The first is to introduce my sister! Second, my time is ing, and my sister's identity will be very dangerous. At that time, I hope you will take me as my sister and bury me, and my sister will take my place! Just housekeeper long, I'm still not at ease!

So I called on you!(叫你呢?第一是介绍我妹!第二,我的时间快到了,而我妹的这个身份会很危险,到时候我希望你,把我当成我妹,给埋了,而我妹会代替我的位置!



“What you said moved me a lot! Am I really that capable? I feel so ashamed!(你说的让我好感动啊!我真的那么有能力吗?说的我居然感觉自己特别的羞耻!【英语】)”有些不太理解,但是听到胥晨熙那么说自己,卡啦尔觉得自己有些无奈。

“Brother, are you stupid? Is he as good as you say? Why do you think he is like that?(哥,你是不是傻了?他有你说的那么好吗?为什么觉得他是那样的呢?【英语】)”雪绒白了一眼胥晨熙,这主神啥想的哦!


“What do you say? what is wrong with me? You haven't got along with me. How do you know if I'm that kind of person?(你怎么说话的?我怎么了?你又没有和我相处过,你怎么知道我是不是那样的人呢?【英语】)”卡啦尔有些不满,怎么个情况呢?刚刚挺好的心情就被他这样子给摧毁了。

“What do you look like? Can't I see with both eyes? People like you, like a butterfly, must like to live in the flowers! Leaves don't stick to your body?(你什么样子?我两个眼睛看不到吗?你这样的人,像一个花蝴蝶一样,肯定特别喜欢万花丛中过吧!片叶不沾身?【英语】)”

“My brother said that look, anyway, I did not see at all, I feel like that now! What's up? Not convinced?(我哥说的那个样子反正我是半点也没有看见,我现在的感觉就是那个样子的!怎么了!不服气?【英语】)”雪绒仰着脑袋,眼睛很不屑的看向他。

“You! You! You!(你!你!你!【英语】)”卡啦尔被雪绒说的好气哦,怎么会这样?自己还不知道该怎么去把他说出来!

“okay! Stop talking about him! You! Isn't he dressed like this, he must be like this? Your brother has a good eye! He's not dressed like that!(好了!别说他了!你啊!不是穿成这样,他就一定会是这样的吗?你哥的眼光不错的!他虽然穿着不靠谱!【英语】)”胥晨熙听到雪绒那么说卡啦尔,看着卡啦尔被气得成了那个样子,有些无奈的!


“Brother, are you from your family? How can I help him? What kind of virtue do you see him? You talk to him, he's so good!(哥,你是不是自家人?怎么帮他呢?你看看他什么德行?你帮他说话,他还这么得瑟!【英语】)”雪绒对于卡啦尔那个样子,对于胥晨熙有些不太满意的。

“La La La! You see, facts are easy for others to say! How about me? You can't label me like this! You are a short-sighted person!(啦啦啦!你看看,事实便于别人的言论!我怎么样不是你这样就能给我定标签的!你是个目光短浅的人!【英语】)”

“Short sighted? Just you? Don't think my brother recognized you, you can be so in front of me! I don't think so! You're not reliable in my eyes!(目光短浅?就你?不要以为我哥认可了你,你就可以这么的在我面前得瑟!我可不这么认为!你在我眼里就是个不靠谱的!【英语】)”

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